A Glimpse into Rx Drug Abuse Know Your Dose Education
Rx drug abuse and diversion is a growing epidemic in Montana, contributing to the deaths of more than 300 Montanans each year. The Montana Medical Association and its partners designed this four module course to help health care teams find the proper balance between providing appropriate treatment for patients while protecting them from opioid addiction.
This short video provides you with just a glimpse into the four module online Prescription Drug Abuse Reduction training.
This series provides valuable information for physicians and non-physicians who are involved in patient care concerning opioid medications. Physicians are encouraged to include all appropriate members of their teams in this training. The program addresses the problem on a state and national level, how to prescribe opioids and how to communicate with patients about the dangers of prescription drugs. Non-physicians who complete the webinar and a post-webinar evaluation will also receive a certificate of completion.